Alzheimer: A Love Story racconta la storia Greg e Michael mentre lottano con una malattia che ha contribuito a sradicare il ricordo di un bellissimo rapporto che li lega da oltre quarant’anni ma mostra anche la forza dell’amore che li ha uniti.
Biografia dei Registi
Gabe Schimmel è sempre stato appassionato di cinema fin da piccolo. Da allora non ha mai smesso di coltivare la sua passione e si sta specializzando in produzione cinematografica e montaggio alla Chapman University Dodge College of Film and Media Arts. Gabe è anche affascinato dall’utilizzo dell’animazione al cinema e in televisione e il suo obiettivo è realizzare film con un messaggio sociale e ambientale.
Monica Petruzzelli adora raccontare storie con documentari, notiziari e musica.
E’ specializzata in cinema e studi ambientali e vorrebbe salvare il mondo con un documentario. E’ vegana e femminista e impegnata in cause sociali.
Quando non è impegnata con le riprese, Monica scrive canzoni per il suo gruppo, The Harmonicas.
Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that accounts for roughly 60 to 80 percent of dementia cases. It is caused by the death or malfunction of nerve cells in the brain, and results in eventual deterioration of memory, behavior, and basic bodily functions. Those diagnosed with the disease live an average of 8 years after their symptoms first become noticeable. It’s been 11 years for Greg. He lives at a memory care facility in Chicago and can no longer walk, go to the bathroom, or feed himself without assistance, let alone carry on a conversation. Every day a man named Michael comes and visits for a couple hours. No one can say for sure if Greg knows who Michael is or why he comes every day, but from Michael’s point of view it’s only natural that he do so- after all, Michael has loved Greg since the day they met 40 years ago.
Directors Biography
Gabe Schimmel has always loved movies. As kid wandering around his parent’s film sets, he always wondered how it all came together. In his freshman year at Chapman, Gabe found the answer- editing. Since then he’s never stopped pursuing his passion- He’s currently completing his degree in film production with an emphasis in editing at Chapman University’s Dodge College of Film and Media arts, and is slated to graduate in early 2017. Gabe is passionate about animation’s burgeoning role in film and television, and is interested in making films with socially and environmentally conscious messages. Monica Petruzzelli loves telling stories – whether it be through documentaries, newscasts or music, she is always doing just that. She is a junior News and Documentary major with a minor in Environmental Studies and aspires to save the world one documentary at a time. Monica is a proud vegan feminist and all around social justice advocate. When she’s not filming, Monica enjoys writing songs with her music partner for their duo, The Harmonicas.
In programmazione
Lunedì 14 novembre 2016 ore 19