Andi e Rosa sono state compagne di scuola a Roma. Andi, che adesso abita a Londra, è sempre stata seria e riservata, Rosa è un vulcano. Approfittando della visita dell’amica, Andi le chiede di accompagnarla ad una Gay Speed Dating Night.
Rosa, pur non sapendo una parola di inglese, conquista tutte le partecipanti mentre Andi, con i suoi discorsi accademici e noiosi, finisce per allontanarle. Ma grazie a Rosa capirà che essere se stessi è più importante di essere etero o lesbica.
Director Biography
Flaminia Graziadei lavora nel cinema come regista e produttrice per diversi progetti.
School and college friends from Rome, Andi loves Rosa in all her beauty and life-force. When Rosa arrives in London for the week-end to visit her friend, Andi, remembering the many nights she sat wallflower- like in straight clubs while Rosa partied like it was 1999, decides her old friend owes her one and asks her to come with her to a Gay Speed Dating Night. Even without a word of English, Rosa proves she is Queen of the Lesbian scene, while Andi bores her dates senseless with her serious, academic take on life, and ends up alone again. Naturally. As she looks on in frustration and awe, she realises that it is not her impossible crush on her friend which is stymieing her chance of love after all. And if she can accept she will never be the life and soul of the party she may find that being her own life and soul could bring her unexpected rewards.
Director Biography
Flaminia Graziadei worked in cinema as a Director, Producer, 1st AD/Casting and Production Manager for several projects in 35 and super16 mm, as well as digital and HD. Flaminia is very familiar with Movie Magic Scheduling.
In programmazione
Sabato 12 novembre 2016 ore 19
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