La missione di Clitorissima è normalizare e facilitare la prima conversazione tra madre e figlia sulla clitoride e sulla consapevolezza della clitoride.A Berlino abbiamo intervistato 150 persone con clitoride e abbiamo chiesto;”A che età e in quale occasione hai avuto consapevolezza della tua clitoride.
Biografia della regista
Clitorissima è la prima opera diretta da Gia Balestra, gemmologa/designer/cuoca vegana sopravvissuta a stupro e sequestro di persona nel 1980. Un secondo incredibile microdramma familiare trasforma per sempre la vita della regista e la necessità di condividere con il mondo quello che le è successo diventa Paramount.
Clitorissima’s message is meant to incourage young mothers to talk to their pre-schooler daughters about Clitoris and Clitoris Awareness at least as much as mothers do with boys’ penises. Gia Balestra collected stories first only verbally, than with a pencil in her hands, than with a camera. She knew she had material for a fun documentary. Living in Berlin facilitated her mission. In October 2013, three different events about sexuality were occurring in town. So after hiring a camera woman and getting accreditation to these 3 events, Gia put together amazing stories about Clitoral Awareness.
Director Biography
Giovanna Carla Balestra was born in Italy and grew up in the lush of Venetian countryside. She was educated to inherit the family business in the jewellery industry, became a gemologist, worked as gem dealer and jewellery designer for 15 years in the international market. When in 1998, her niece of 3 years old, had Clitoral Awareness everybody in the family was pretty shocked and Giovanna Carla was accused by her own sister to be a child molester/child predator/ “child clitoris instructor” because Asian Art Collector and queer person. Not having any history of pedophile behavior nor attraction, Giovanna Carla, at the age of 38, wanted to clear herself from her sister’s finger pointing and proceeded to interview, all female members of her own family with this question: “At what age and in which occasion did you have Clitoris Awareness?”
In programmazione
Domenica 13 novembre 2016 ore 19