Hope soffre per la morte della fidanzata Mac. Quando apprende che la madre di Mac vuole seppellirla con abito, Hope e le sue amiche decidono di prendere in mano la situazione per assicurarsi che Mac arrivi nell’aldilà vestita come avrebbe desiderato.
Biografia del regista
Marvin Bryan Lemus è uno sceneggiatore, regista e produttore di origine Messicana/Guatemala/Americana. Marvin è noto per aver realizzato la famosa campagna virale per la promozione di Dear White People che è apparsa si HuffingtonPost.com, FunnyOrDie.com, and Flama TV. Lemus fa parte del Film Independent’s Project Involve. I suoi film sono stati presentati al San Diego Latino Film Festival, Frameline, Outfest, Cinequest e molti altri. Di recente Marvin Lemus ha co-sceneggiato e diretto Gentefied, prodotta da America Ferrera e Macro Ventures.
Vamonos is a funny, touching, personal story about Hope, a gay latina that is mourning the death of her butch girlfriend, Mac. When Hope learns that Mac’s mother plans on burying her in a dress, Hope and her friends realize they must take matters into their own hands.Hope struggles with grief after Mac, her butch girlfriend, passes away and must must overcome homophobic hostilities from her dead girlfriend’s family in order to respectfully send Mac off into the afterlife in the way she would’ve wanted.
Director’s biography
Marvin Bryan Lemus is a Mexican/GuatemalanAmerican writer, director and producer. Lemus’ work in digital comedy ranges from successful viral video campaigns for the Roadside Attractions/Lionsgate feature film Dear White People to original digital content that has been featured on numerous websites like HuffingtonPost.com, FunnyOrDie.com, and Flama TV. Lemus is a recent alumnus of Film Independent’s Project Involve. His work has been screened at San Diego Latino Film Festival, Frameline, Outfest, and Cinequest, to name a few. Recently, Lemus co-wrote and directed his first original web series, Gentefied, Executive Produced by America Ferrera and Produced by Macro Ventures.
In programmazione
Domenica 13 novembre 2016 ore 19