BJ, una lesbica “butch” non ha mai indossato abiti femminili fino a quando lei e la compagna Sherrie hanno adottato Jeffrey, che ha iniziato a travestirsi ed a esibirsi davanti alle due madri. Adesso che ha sei anni Jeffrey vorrebbe travestirsi anche in pubblico e BJ, che abita nella Florida rurale piuttosto conservatrice, vorrebbe proteggerlo.
BJ, a butch lesbian, successfully avoided dresses her entire life until she and her partner Sherrie adopted Jeffrey, who starts to dance in gowns and perform for his parents. Now that six-year-old Jeffrey wishes to dress up in public, BJ must navigate where it is safe for him in conservative rural Florida.
“Creative and well-crafted, Pink Boy is a tender and heartfelt portrait of a transgender boy and his protective loving mother that stayed with this jury long after the film was over. The filmmakers clearly earned the trust of their subjects and managed to produce a film with editorial and emotional resonance.”
In programmazione
Sabato 12 novembre 2016 ore 19