I membri del New York Prime Timers ogni mese partecipano attivamente a “sex parties”. Senza pudore questi ottantenni ci introducono ai loro incontri e ci raccontano chi sono veramente, condividono le loro storie e ci spiegano cosa significhi per loro godere consensualmente della loro libertà sessuale il più a lungo possibile.
“Sex & The Silver Gays” tells the idiosyncratic story of the New York Prime Timers, the randy NYC Chapter of the national senior gay men’s Organization. Amidst their flurry of elderly activities, the New York Prime Timers members also actively participate in monthly sex parties. These octogenarian orgiasts invite us to their intimate gathering, illustrate explicitly their carnal activities and explain to us, both frankly and inspiringly: who they are; their own shared histories; and what it means to their lives to share joyful, consensual sexual celebrations for as long as may be possible.
In programmazione
Venerdì 11 novembre 2016 ore 16