Project Description
Menzione speciale 2014
“Un lavoro in prima fila per il suo valore sociale e soprattutto politico.
“Un lavoro in prima fila per il suo valore sociale e soprattutto politico.
Mercoledì 26 novembre – ore 18.30
E’ in corso una rivoluzione globale per ottenere ciò il Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki Moon e Barack Obama chiamano “l’ultima frontiera nel campo dei diritti umani”: la depenalizzazione universale dell’omosessualità. L’omosessualità è vietata in quasi la metà del mondo. Su 196 stati membri delle Nazioni Unite, in 7 è punibile con la morte. In altri 84, può portare alla carcerazione e alle torture fisiche. Negli ultimi anni molti leader mondiali si sono dichiarati a favore della depenalizzazione universale dell’omosessualità. Ma la vittoria non arriverà facilmente.
“Globale gay” ripercorre le tappe della battaglia per la depenalizzazione dell’omosessualità attraverso la vita e le azioni di alcuni dei suoi pionieri più coraggiosi, fornendo una cronaca appassionante del movimento a livello globale. Come ha affermato Ban Ki Moon, “E’ giunto il momento”.
Il film è stato girato in Russia, Cuba, Camerun, Nepal e Sud Africa.
A global revolution is underway to obtain what UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon and Barack Obama call ‘the final frontier in human rights’: the universal decriminalization of homosexuality.
Homosexuality is forbidden in almost half of the world. Out of 196 UN member states, there are 7 where it is punishable by death. In 84 others, it can merit prison and physical punishment. But today, momentum is building and the debate on gay rights is omnipresent – whether it be regarding legalization in the Middle-East and Africa or the focus of gay marriage laws in the West.
After years of long diplomatic struggle, several world leaders have declared themselves in favor of the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. But victory won’t come easily. The countries that still punish homosexuality refuse to give in to international pressure. Global acceptance and equality will take time to achieve.
‘Global Gay’ follows this battle for decriminalization through the lives and work of some of its fearless pioneers, providing a vibrant chronicle of the growing global social movement. In the words of Ban Ki Moon, “The time has come”.
Filmed in Russia, Cuba, Cameroon, Nepal and South Africa.
Homosexuality is forbidden in almost half of the world. Out of 196 UN member states, there are 7 where it is punishable by death. In 84 others, it can merit prison and physical punishment. But today, momentum is building and the debate on gay rights is omnipresent – whether it be regarding legalization in the Middle-East and Africa or the focus of gay marriage laws in the West.
After years of long diplomatic struggle, several world leaders have declared themselves in favor of the universal decriminalization of homosexuality. But victory won’t come easily. The countries that still punish homosexuality refuse to give in to international pressure. Global acceptance and equality will take time to achieve.
‘Global Gay’ follows this battle for decriminalization through the lives and work of some of its fearless pioneers, providing a vibrant chronicle of the growing global social movement. In the words of Ban Ki Moon, “The time has come”.
Filmed in Russia, Cuba, Cameroon, Nepal and South Africa.